Monday, November 3, 2014

Learner Introduction

To get us started, I would like each of you to get to know a bit about each other. I want to keep it relevant to our learning about Blogger, but I also want to remind you of something that you might lose sight of as you complete this course--the Internet can be fun! Most of us browse the Web because we enjoy doing so. Sure, we have our work to do, but when work is done, many of you likely unwind by using the Internet for more pleasurable reasons.

I would like you to do two things in this starter discussion.

Firstly, share the addresses of two Web sites, ones that you browse that may have nothing to do with your work. One of the two sites should be an example of what you think is a well-designed Web site. The other should be an example of one that you think is not well-designed. I encourage you to choose sites that reveal a bit about yourself--your personal interests outside of the workplace. The important thing about this is that you should not tell us which one is which! Simply share two Web site addresses without commentary!

Secondly, once you have shared the addresses of your Web sites, view what others have shared, browse their Web sites, and comment on at least two other people’s choices, including what you like and do not like about their choices. Feel free to comment on the content of the site, but include some of your thoughts on the design of the site.

While most of you may agree on the choices, you may be surprised that some might criticize what you think is good design, while others may praise what you think is bad design. That is why you should not tell others which is your good one and which is your bad choice. Keep it interesting and honest...but polite!

(Click "Add comment" below to add your two sites to this discussion. Then be sure to click "Reply" and respond to at least two of your peers' sites.)

1 comment:

  1. Click "Add comment" below to add your two sites to this discussion. Then be sure to click "Reply" and respond to at least two of your peers' sites.
